The handy guide to twitter user @MiezaruShoujo
(a "should you follow me or not" card)
This is Micchi, my account is 18+ (I automatically assume everyone who follows me and INTERACTS with me to be an adult, if you're a minor PLEASE DON'T FOLLOW ME), might include nsfw and FUB free. My account is 99% spoiler free (aside from Sound Horizon fanarts). My interests are various and might fluctuate from fluffy stuff to depressing/edgier themes. I love dubbing (and fandub generally speaking), subbing stuff I love, otome games, videogames generally speaking and I happen to follow various series but the only "fandom" I'm actively in since 2010 is the Sound Horizon one (despite me interacting only with people I'm comfortable with LOL). I'm (technically) a fully grown adult who is in fact a baby™.
Despite it, I'm still someone who enjoys a great array of things which may or may not make you comfortable (and that's fine) when it comes to fictional.
I'll start with this: to me fictional ≠ reality. Fictional is a safe space where everyone can enjoy different contents (even "problematic" ones) they would never condone in real life. I interact with all kinds of people, even those who enjoy contents or pairings I am uncomfortable with (but that might mean me not following them if they actively post things I'm too uncomfortable with). There are things which deeply disgust me, even in fictional, but I would never dream of harassing people for this reason. I try to be as silent as possible about my dislikings and would never dare to shame someone for shipping something because I know how bad it feels, and I always hope others would do the same.
Let's get to the stuff I ship that might make you uncomfortable:
incest (my longest OTP ever is a twincest) is ok to me (which doesn't mean I can't enjoy siblings bonds just as that and nothing more), the same goes for age gaps (even large ones). My stance for couples where one of the two is still a minor is that I don't like to imagine them in nsfw context if the gap is too large until they come of age (but that's personal). I do not condone grooming in any case, but at least regarding fictional, to me there is a difference between a predator who is attracted to minors and purposely affects them and their mind to shape them into their desired outcome and an adult who just happens to realize they fell for someone younger than them when they are close to adult age/when they meet them again as adults. Regarding real life I feel uncomfortable with large age gaps when there is a minor involved.Light gore and stuff regarding death/depression/heavy themes in contents - mostly fanarts - I retweet (my favorite band creates a lot of songs/stories based on possibly triggering themes and while they always manage to treat them in a really not disgusting way - at least for my tastes - I do happen to retweet fanarts that might make you feel uncomfortable, so feel free to disable my RTs or unfollow me if that's the case.I won't list what makes me uncomfortable (aside from p3do art which is something I can't stomach even in fictional), but if you actively post content I can't handle I will not follow you back or if you're already a friend I like to interact with I will not hesitate to disable your RTs to protect my peace of mind.
AAAAND that's it for now, I'll eventually add more stuff if I can think about more relevant things.